How to upgrade the firmware for a bitcoin miner

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upgrade firmware of bitcoin miner

Sometimes, your miner may stop mining because of firmware issue of the controller. In that case, you can fix the issue by upgrading the firmware. And also in some other cases, you may want to upgrade the firmware of your miner to the latest version so that your miner can attain a better performance.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to upgrade the firmware of a bitcoin miner.

We will take the Antminer S7 as an example, but the steps apply to other models of Antminers as well.


Firmware List

Download the firmware you need first. You could find the firmware of your miner as follows:

The firmware you downloaded should be a “.tar.gz” file. DON’T unzip it, use directly the “.tar.gz” file when you upgrade the firmware of the miner in the following tutorial.



  • Download the proper firmware.
  • Power on the miner, wait for a while.

s7 speed test

  • Navigate to “System” –> “Upgrade” page.

firmware upgrade page of bitcoin miner

  • Click the button as indicated in the above picture.

select button image

  • Select the firmware you just downloaded. DON’T unzip the “.tar.gz” file, just select the whole “.tar.gz” file.

select bitcoin miner firmware

  • Don’t select the “Keep settings” option, click “Flash image” to upgrade.

click flash image

  • Then click “Yes” in the popup.

click yes to continue

  • Wait for 1~3 minutes for the firmware to upgrade.

upload firmware

  • Then the system will lead you to the “System Upgrade Succeeded” page, you can see the status is “Rebooting system“.

reboot bitcoin miner

  • Important: Don’t power off the miner or take out the ethernet cord during the firmware upgrade process.
  • Wait for 1~3 minutes for the system to reboot.
  • Then firmware upgrade will be done. Navigate to the “Miner Configuration” page to configure the miner again.

firmware upgrade done

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