Tutorial: AntRouter R1 – a wireless networking device and a bitcoin miner

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antrouter r1 is working

The AntRouter R1 is a wireless router equipped with bitcoin mining function. Keeping AntRouter R1 online, you’ll have a chance to get a huge reward of 25 BTC!

The AntRouter R1 has many exciting features besides a router, so we will introduce how to set up those features one by one. You don’t need to read all of them; you can just focus on the features that you are interested in.

For example, if you want to use the R1 as a SOLO bitcoin miner, you can just read the section {Setting-up: Bitcoin Solo Miner} below.


Main Features

  • Bitcoin Solo Miner: AntRouter R1 was designed to mine in Antpool’s solo mode. If you find a block, you’ll receive around 25 Bitcoins. To get this huge reward, you’ll need to keep your R1 online and set up properly, and of course you’ll need some luck!
  • General Wireless Router: The AntRouter is also a normal dialing router; it can access the internet via your service provider(ISP) after simple configuration.
  • Mini WiFi Access Point: WiFi Access point device can turn cabled Internet access into wireless, and it is the default operation mode of the R1. Connect your R1 to a router, hub, or any RJ45 port with available internet access, and enjoy your own WiFi access point.
  • High-Speed USB Charger: Using a USB cable, connect your mobile device to the R1 to charge it. Android phones, iPhones, and tablets are supported.
  • Bitcoin Mining Host: Besides mining by itself, R1 is also a mining host that can be connected to several Antminer U3. Your mining power will be significantly increased when you connect a U3 to the R1.


Set the Mining User ID

The AntRouter only supports mining in Antpool. So:

  1. You need to register on Antpool.
  2. Set your Antpool account as the mining user ID in the miner configuration page.

Here is how to set the mining user ID:

  • You need to get a WiFi supported device (such as a WiFi supported PC, laptop, tablet or mobile phone) to log in the miner configuration page. In this tutorial, we are using a WiFi supported PC.
  • Power on AntRouter R1 (simply insert it into the socket on the wall).

antrouter inserted into socket on the wall

  • Wait for a minute, you will find a WiFi named “AntRouter-xxx” in the WiFi list.

antrouter shown in wifi list

  • Connect to the WiFi “AntRouter-xxx” (no password needed for connection).
  • Go to the configuration page in your browser with the URL: rl.bm

login antrouter configuration page

  • The default “Username” and “Password” are both “root“. Input the password, and then click “Login“.
  • This is how the configuration page look when you log in.

the configuration page of antrouter

  • Go to the “Miner” tap --> “R1 Miner“.

set user id of antrouter

  • Input your registered Antpool email in the “Bitmain User ID“, such as “info@eastshoremining.com
  • Click “Save & Apply” to save the change.

NOTE: If you reset R1, you need to do above settings again.


Setting-up the R1 as a Bitcoin Solo Miner

The power consumption of AntRouter R1 is just 4watt, keep it mining, and you will have a chance to get 25 bitcoins! The only thing you need is some good luck. 🙂

In this section, we will introduce you how to use AntRouter R1 as a solo bitcoin miner and mine via WiFi.

  • Follow the section {First: Set the Mining User ID} above to set the Mining User ID.
  • Login the configuration page of AntRouter.

the configuration page of antrouter

  • Go to “Network” --> “wifi“, then click “Scan” button and wait for a minute.

wifi interface of antrouter

  • In the scanning result list, select your WiFi, click “Join Network“.

select home wifi in antrouter wifi setting

  • On the following page, input the password of your WiFi in the “WPA passphrase” blank. Please make sure you input the correct password here. Click “Submit“.


  • On the following page, click “Save & Apply

antrouter save wifi setting

  • Wait for changes to apply. If such error info shows, just ignore it.


  • After a minute, please connect PC to your WiFi network again. (please note: your PC is connected to the WiFi named “antrouter-xxx” in the section {First: Set the Mining User ID} for AntRouter configuration)
  • Wait for 1~3 minutes, then your AntRouter will start mining. Look at your AntRouter, you may notice that there is a green light flashing inside the AntRouter. Here is a video showing a working AntRouter: https://youtu.be/CFtnVwJ6dpo
  • You can login to your AntRouter to check the mining details. (The login method here is not the same in the section {First: Set the Mining User ID}, because you have changed the AntRouter to a device which is connected to your network). First, you need to scan out the IP of the AntRouter . Here is a scan result:

antrouter ip scanned out

  • Open your internet browser to login to the AntRouter via the IP you just scanned out. In our test, the IP we scanned out is ““, so we input “” in the internet browser to log in.

login antrouter via IP scanned out

  • Go to “Miner” --> “R1 Miner“, the mining speed will show here. Also, the mining details and mining workers will be shown in your Antpool account.

mining status in antrouter

  • Login to your mining pool account, you will find out there is a new mining worker named “AntRouter” in your account. Click “AntRouter”, the mining details will show there.

new minig account

antrouter mining detail in account

worker detail in account


Setting-up the R1 as a Bitcoin Mining Host

Besides mining by itself, AntRouter R1 is also a mining host that can be connected to several Antminer U3. Your mining power will be increased when you combine a U3 to the R1.

We will show how to connect Antminer U3 to R1 in this section.

  • Set the Mining User ID: refer to the section {First: Set the Mining User ID} above.
  • Set the mining account: refer to the section {Setting-up: Bitcoin Solo Miner} above.
  • Go to “Miner” --> “U3 Configuration“, set your mining workers and password here. This mining worker setting is for the Antminer U3.

set-mining worker for antminer u3

  • Click “Save & Apply” to save the changes.
  • Power on your AntMiner U3, then connect it to the USB port on the AntRouter.

power on antminer u3

usb port on AntRouter

connect antminer u3 to antrouter

  • Wait for a minute, and then the mining will start. Go to “Miner” --> “U3 Status” to get detailed mining info.

antminer u3 mining speed connected to antrouter

  • You can see the mining details of your U3 in the mining pool too.

mining speed in antpool of antminer u3

  • Usually, you can change the mining worker to “Solo mode“, “PPS mode” or “PPNS mode” in the mining pool. The Antminer U3 connected to AntRouter support all those mining modes.

set mining mode


Reset R1

If you get any problems while using the AntRouter, try to reset AntRouter.

the reset hole on the AntRouter


  • Power on the AntRouter.
  • Find a pin that can reach into the reset button, hold pressing for about 5 seconds.

reset antrouter

  • Release pressing, wait for about 1 minute; then the reset was done.
  • After reset, refer to the first section {First: Set the Mining User ID} to configure the AntRouter again.


Test Video from EastShore

AntRouter R1 is Working as a Solo Bitcoin Miner



When your AntRouter stops mining or cannot start, try the following:

  • Check if your network is stable.
  • Restart the AntRoute: pull it out from the socket, plug it in again.
  • Check if there are too many devices occupying your network.
  • Reset the AntRouter. (see above section {Reset the AntRouter} for details)


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